Inequalities in a Future Wales

As part of a recent project for Public Health Wales and the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales, we ran a number of character-led storytelling workshops focused on the impact of climate change on different community groups. The workshops revealed myriad concerns affecting these groups in relation to environmental issues and inequalities. The hope is that […]

FLiNT’s Methods

FLiNT sets out to cast new light upon the importance of narrative in (1) framing, (2) shaping, and (3) critiquing the world-building techniques that form the foundation of futures thinking and Futures Literacy (FL). Significantly, each of these interrogations is informed by practical insights into FL-in-action, garnered through research collaborations with various national government agencies […]

Futures Literacy & Strategic Narratives

[We] should abandon the effort to try to be so clever that we can choose the right model, find the right data, or make the best guess. There is no way to outsmart the complexity of reality; unforeseeable novelty is a certainty. Instead, the approach should be to try and develop the capacity to use […]